Summary (What is it?)
This breathing technique, also known as square breathing, is not only easy to learn but can be practiced almost anywhere, making it an ideal tool for managing stress, reducing anxiety, and enhancing focus.
Method to Practice:
1. Inhale (Count to Four): Slowly inhale through your nose, counting to four. Feel your lungs fill with air and your chest expand.
2. Hold Your Breath (Count to Four): Hold your breath for another count of four.
3. Exhale (Count to Four): Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of four, emptying your lungs completely.
4. Hold Again (Count to Four): Hold your breath again for a final count of four.
5. Repeat: Repeat this cycle or until you feel a sense of calmness.
Benefits, Why its Great:
· It is free. It can be used any time and anywhere
· Counting & Rhythm redirect your attention away from the stressor.
· It can become boring / monotonous quickly
· It is redirection which does not help facing your triggering event
Tips for Success:
Consistency: Regular practice enhances the benefits.
Volume: The more breathes and longer you practice, the more benefit you will receive
Tailorable: Adjust the count to what feels comfortable for you. It doesn’t have to be exactly four seconds.
Closing Thoughts:
I have found box breathing to be one of the more useful tools to combat depression and anxiety. There is something about the counting that is awesomely distracting and unconsciously allows room for my body to reap the benefits of rhythmic breathing. The fact that it is so simple, so memorable, and free, its a tool that I find myself returning to regularly with a high return on value. In moments of stress or anxiety, remember that relief could be, literally, just a few breaths away.